Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?
Woe is me, if we're not careful turns into reality
Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow
Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears and
Woe is me, if we're not careful turns into reality
Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow
Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears and
God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
8/24洋基要舉行佩提特背號的退休儀式了!我的天啊我第一個愛上的大聯盟球員已經到了背號退休的時候了嗎,我到底多老了!好懷念佩提特在投手丘上的英姿,每次刁鑽的投球,手套遮住半張臉的殺氣,神乎其技的美技守備,還有整個團隊都還是我熟悉的樣子的時候。記得高一的時候有一次下課大家偷開電視看季後賽,剛好就是佩提特先發;大一還有一次為了看佩提特先發蹺了通識課,伴我度過高中大學的MLB,喜歡的東西只會越喜歡,所以第一個喜歡的球員積了最多喜歡,還厲害到可以退休背號,即使知道這是such an honor還是好不捨。
多少franchise record啊!My all-time favorite: ANDY PETTITTE COMPLETE HIS GAME WITH A COMPLETE GAME! What a way to go!