2015年2月7日 星期六


Saturday morning jumped out of bed
And put on my best suit
Got in my car and raced like a jet
All the way to you
Knocked on your door with heart in my hand
To ask you a question
'Cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man, yeah

Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'

Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway

Marry that girl
Marry her anyway
Marry that girl
Yeah, no matter what you say
Marry that girl
And we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so

Magic!- Rude

bookstore plus library plus brunch equals happy winter vacation


A lot could happen in two months. ” They’d change each other’s lives, as she’d said, but things were supposed to change. Change meant progress, improvements, the occasional happy surprise.” I still dislike changes anyway, but I love the concept of changes, especially happy surprise.

Reading Challenge
The Last Boyfriend and The Perfect Hope by Nora Roberts
Book two and three of the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy
A book by an author you’ve never read
A book that was originally written in a different language

真的好喜歡inn的概念,介在hotelB&B間的氛圍,第一集還是工地,之後開始有美麗地磚、傢俱、淋浴、寢具,最後充滿開心的客人。總是會想起英國,濕冷寧靜的小鎮和那個The King’s Head,也是老舊富有歷史的inn。就如同書裡的美麗小鎮,如果能在這樣的地方發呆幾天一定很棒。

又帥又有才華又可愛的三兄弟(life is so unfair)
“And don’t go running to Mom.”
“Jesus, why would I? I’m not tattletale.”
“You told her I broke cut-glass vase throwing the ball in the house, and hide the pieces,” Beckett reminded him.
“I was eight!” Genuine grief and insult vibrated in Owen’s voice. “How long are you going to hold that over me?”
“ Forever. She took TV privileges away from me for three days – for hiding the pieces, and another day for throwing the ball in the house. I missed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
“Grow up and buy the DVD.”
“I did. Doesn’t clear you, dude. The Silence of Brotherhood is sacred.”
“I was eight.”

“ See you tomorrow then.” As Owen strolled off, Beckett looked back at the building. He and Ryder stood together like a couple of refugees from hell. “ Flip you for who does the final check and locks up.”

Like a couple of refugees from hell莫名的好笑,這絕對是不同於Cannington的地方,Cannington的夏天還是涼到可以優雅度日。



